VP Admin
Balaji Manivannan is a leather engineer by profession and sports enthusiast. A simple and humble person by nature, Balaji used sports as a tool to enhance his people skills, problem-solving skills and leadership skills. He was elected as the Vice President- Administration for GSA. Due to his good administrative skills, he would handle this role very effectively and efficiently. He would be responsible for monitoring GSA email account, to answer questions and forward requests to the correct executive member, records meeting minutes, books all events.
Balaji completed his Bachelors on Leather Engineering. During his study, he got insights into various management studies starts from entrepreneurship, logistics and supply chain management. After his graduation, he got placed in Alpharama Private Limited as a Technical Manager. It is one of the biggest leather manufacturing organizations in East Africa. He met with a lot of peoples from different backgrounds not only from Africa but also from other parts of the world. During this phase, he received a good amount of diversified experience. He has a good amount of insight in project management as well as logistics and supply chain management. Because of these fascinations, he drove to study MBA in Canada in one of the esteemed university in the world.
In the past three months at UNB, Balaji has grown as a person. This position in Graduate Students Association will help him to serve his colleagues better. He will do his level best in serving the graduate students community.