What is ISIC?
The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is your passport to fantastic discounts and services at home and around the world. The ISIC card is the only internationally recognized student ID, making ISIC card holders are members of a truly global club. Every year more than 4.5 million students from 120 countries use their student card to take advantage of offers on travel, shopping, museums and more, worldwide. The Graduate Students Association is affiliated to the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) and the membership comes free of cost for all the GSA members. The ISIC is a valid proof of student status in more than 130 countries.

Your ISIC card is a fantastic travel companion! You can use it to save money as you tour the world and it’s just as useful back home! There are tens of thousands of student discounts offered, so check out what’s available at your local restaurants, cinemas, and shops. The ISIC card is a real student lifestyle card. Keep it in your pocket wherever you go – it’ll come in handy time and time again. The ISIC is available for free for all domestic and international graduate students of UNB.
For the list of discounts worldwide, check here.
For the list of discounts in Canada, check here.
List of Businesses partnering with ISIC in Fredericton
- The Radical Edge Ltd. – 386, Queen Street, Fredericton offers 10% off on clothing and footwear.
- Victory Meat Market. – 334, Kings Street, Fredericton offers 5% off on all items.
- Escape logic Games. – Unit 207, 880, Hanwell Road, Fredericton offers $20.00 off on the group price after taxes.
- Snooty Fox. – 66 Regent Street, Fredericton offers 15% off on the menu.
- The Cultural Market – 28 Saunders Street, Fredericton offers 10% off on Cultural Market dollars. Contact the office to get the Cultural Market Dollars. (info@theculturalmarket.ca)
- 540 Kitchen and Bar Inc – 540 Queen Street, Fredericton offers 15% off on the menu.
- Savage’s Bicycle Center – 441 Kings Street, Fredericton offers 15% off on Accessories and repairs.
Traveling to Europe? ACP Rail offers a student discount on the Eurail Global Pass for ISIC members, in addition to a youth discount of up to 35%. More businesses to be added in coming weeks. If you have any suggestions or ideas regarding new businesses contact vpadmin@unbgsa.ca. To get your ISIC contact the GSA during office hours or contact any of the GSA Executives to fix an appointment to get your card.
Yesterday, the final report of the President’s Taskforce and its recommendations were presented at the Senate meeting. The GSA took part in the president’s task force and presented the recommendations based on the survey of Graduate Student Funding. The GSA is appreciative that the report has been submitted for implementation and that the recommendations are a great start to fixing the funding situation for Graduate students at UNB….
February 4th, 2019 marked the kick off start to our Provincial Lobby week. Graduate Student Association is working closely with Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) to present the needs of NB students to members of Legislative Assembly in order to spark action. For more information, please check out the the following document: CFS-NB-LobbyDoc-2019 (1)
To all Full-time Graduate Students, Please Note: Part-time students are not eligible for coverage and need to take no further action. If you started in the Fall term, 2018, you need take no further action. This email is for Full-time students starting in January of 2019. ..